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Posts tagged ‘self esteem’


Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder


The diagnosis of “borderline personality disorder” unfortunately carries with it much stigma. A “personality disorder” may carry negative connotations and the term “borderline” can conjure an image of an unstable person precariously straddling an imaginary line of what would be considered a “normal,” stable personality. BPD is a mental health issue just like anxiety and depression, yet it does not receive the same level of recognition.

Eight to 10 percent of those with the disorder commit suicide, which is a rate 50 times higher than in the general population. More than 70 percent of individuals with BPD will attempt suicide at least once, with rates peaking in individuals in their 20s and 30s.

Because of the dangerous consequences of BPD, it is important to increase understanding and encourage those with symptoms to seek therapeutic help, particularly in the vulnerable young adult population.

See how to recognize symptoms in my article appearing in The Hullabaloo.

More Information:

Personality Disorders Institute


The Fine Line Between Healthy Ambition, Pathological Dieting & Eating Disorders



Whether trying to lose weight, gain muscle or simply live an overall healthy lifestyle, regular gym goers usually have a clear goal in mind. If working toward such a goal, healthy eating habits usually go hand-in-hand with regular sweat sessions. These are great habits to have in order to live a healthy and well balanced lifestyle and are something that doctors and fitness experts would certainly recommend. However, there does come a point when well intentioned habits straddle the line between healthy and unhealthy. When taken to an extreme, these habits can have dangerous consequences….
I recently wrote a guest blog post for my favorite gym in New Orleans, Cypress Fitness. Check out my full post on their website, here!

The Hookup Culture: does casual sex lead to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem?

hookup culture


It is no secret that casual sex is common on college campuses. In fact, studies have shown that 60 to 80 percent of college students have had some type of casual sex experience. Much research has focused on the link between casual sex and the negative effects it may have on a person’s mental health, such as contributing to depression, anxiety or low self-esteem. Much of this research is inconclusive or with mixed results. However, new research has indicated that it is not if a person participates in casual sex but the reasons behind their actions that contribute to negative emotional effects.  To learn more, check out my latest article in The Tulane Hullabaloo.