Posts tagged ‘exercise’
The Fine Line Between Healthy Ambition, Pathological Dieting & Eating Disorders
Whether trying to lose weight, gain muscle or simply live an overall healthy lifestyle, regular gym goers usually have a clear goal in mind. If working toward such a goal, healthy eating habits usually go hand-in-hand with regular sweat sessions. These are great habits to have in order to live a healthy and well balanced lifestyle and are something that doctors and fitness experts would certainly recommend. However, there does come a point when well intentioned habits straddle the line between healthy and unhealthy. When taken to an extreme, these habits can have dangerous consequences….
I recently wrote a guest blog post for my favorite gym in New Orleans, Cypress Fitness. Check out my full post on their website, here!
Can Exercise be a Treatment for Depression?
The answer seems to be yes! For those with mild depression, exercise can be used as sole treatment under a psychiatrist’s or mental health professional’s supervision. For those with moderate or severe depression, exercise is a great adjunct for treatment. How does this work and exactly how much exercise does it take? Check out my guest blog post appearing on to find out!
Read my article here: Can Exercise Treat Depression?